ELECTRICAL BREAK | Due to an electrical break, the street lights on Cartier Street are not working. The problem will be corrected as soon as possible. Thank you for your understanding.
SHREDDING DAY | Please note that there is no confidential document shredding day this year. For a fee, you can dispose of your documents with companies such as Bureau en gros.
29 Jul 2024 to 23 Aug 2024
Until September 27, the Riverside bike path between Rivermere and Hickson avenues will be completely closed to traffic due to MTQ structural work. The detour is via Rivermere Avenue, Prince Arthur Street and Hickson Avenue.
For single-family dwellings and residential buildings with 8 or fewer units, recyclables are collected every second Thursday.
For residential buildings with 9 or more units and industrial facilities, commercial businesses, and institutions, recyclables are collected every Thursday.
The bins must be placed at the curb between 7 p.m. the day before and 6:30 a.m. the morning of collection. They must be removed the day after collection.
You must place your bin on your property near the sidewalk. The lid must be tightly closed. No material should protrude out of the bin or be placed beside it. You must leave a clearance of 1 m (3 ft) around the bin.
In order to allow for mechanized collection, only the 360-litre wheeled bin is accepted. Material placed beside the bin will not be collected.
Collectors can pick up waste materials between 7 a.m. and 8:30 p.m. If they still have not come after this time, please leave your bin at the curb and notify the Environment Management division at 450-672-4444 or at environnement@saint-lambert.ca. Thank you for your collaboration!
What can be recycled?
We recycle
Newspapers, magazines, wrapping paper, envelopes, file folders, cardboard boxes and packaging, and multi-layer containers—these are made primarily of paper fiber (bleached cardboard) and are used for packaging liquid foods, such as soup or broth, and beverages, such as fruit juice and dairy products.
We do not recycle
Soiled or greasy paper, padded envelopes, wax paper, photographic paper, metallic paper, toilet paper, wallpaper, etc.
We recycle
Bottles, containers, bags, all plastic lids and tops, etc.
We do not recycle
Styrofoam (#6), soiled or greasy plastic bags, plastic wrapping, and rubber items.
We recycle
Tin cans, hangers, soft drink cans, aluminium plates, tin foil, etc.
We do not recycle
Paint or aerosol containers, tools and auto parts, batteries, electronic devices, household appliances, etc.
We recycle
Bottles and jars of all shapes and colours, etc.
There is a glass collection container at Saint-Denis Park.
Residents who do not have a recycling bin or wish to purchase one additional at a cost of $100 by contacting the Environment Management division at 450-466-3199.
Moving? Make sure to leave your recycling bin for the next occupants. Recycling bins are the property of the municipality and belong to a specific address.
Lots of good reasons to recycle
The environment and quality of life for future generations have always been top priorities in Saint-Lambert.
Sustainable development!
Throwing away reusable materials is a wasteful practice that is costly and pollutes our environment. Landfill sites are filled to capacity and waste elimination costs continue to rise. Recycling, on the other hand, creates jobs and enables us to use 10 to 20 times less energy than producing products from new resources.
To meet our legal obligations!
To attain the objectives set by the Quebec policy that aims to divert 70% of waste to recycling boxes.
Because all it takes is simple, daily actions that make a difference to our world!
According to Recyc-Québec, 85% of the waste we produce could be recycled or reused in other ways. This represents millions of tons of materials that fill our garbage dumps and that might have been reused. So, let’s all think twice before throwing things away. To encourage you to do this, we’ve compiled a list of businesses that will accept a multitude of products for recycling. You can consult the list on the ‘Directory of recyclers’ page.
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