City Council

City Council is charged with the responsibility of representing the population and making decisions on the City’s directions and priorities for actions as well as administering its affairs. Its members are focused on ensuring the quality of life in the municipality and offering services that meet the needs of the community.

Your council members

The Ville de Saint-Lambert’s municipal Council is comprised of a Mayor and eight councillors—one per electoral district. You can consult the district map to identify your councillor.

Your elected representatives hold public meetings once a month so that you can address your questions or comments to them. For more information on meetings, please consult the section on Council meetings.

Map of electoral districts

Pascale Mongrain, Mayor

450 466-3235

Pascale Mongrain holds degrees in Business Administration from McGill University and in Law from the Université de Montréal. A CPA, CA and lawyer, Ms. Mongrain has had a rich career in the fields of audit, corporate law and taxation and has acquired vast experience in governance, financial management, human resources and real estate, working with such firms as Coopers & Lybrand, Heenan Blaikie, Raymond Chabot Grant Thornton and Professionals’ Financial, and in various high-level positions within different ministerial offices. She served as Director General of the Faculty of Medicine at McGill University, on several boards of directors and as chair of an audit committee. During the COVID-19 pandemic, she acted as a consulting manager for several seniors’ residences and public mass vaccination sites.

Ms. Mongrain is recognized for her humanism and the respect she has for her teams. With her passion for efficiency, she has been able to optimize the performance of organizational structures and, most importantly, bring them closer to people. Always prepared to work towards compromise, she excels at finding solutions to challenges that arise.

A resident of Saint-Lambert for more than 20 years, Ms. Mongrain decided to get involved in municipal politics out of love for this city. She wants to manage it with rigour and see it flourish for years to come.

Francis Le Chatelier, City councillor for District 1

514 662-9284

Born and raised in Saint-Lambert, Francis Le Chatelier attended École Rabeau school and Collège Durocher. He and his wife, Valérie, chose to raise the couple’s two daughters, Sofia (3) and Victoria (1) here. A creative person who is deeply committed to his community, Mr. Le Chatelier isn’t afraid to roll up his sleeves to find workable solutions to complex problems. He began his studies in Administration, but then switched to pursue his passions for arboriculture and firefighting. He is now a firefighter for the Ville de Montréal.

Mr. Le Chatelier is particularly worried about our city’s precarious financial situation, a concern he did not hesitate to voice publicly during his door-to-door campaign. He has repeatedly said that the city is going to hit a budgetary wall and that the “welcome tax” is somewhat of a life support system. Among his other preoccupations, he is afraid that our mature and deteriorating urban forest is declining too quickly and that we are losing our trademark cachet. He also believes that Saint-Lambert will have to redouble its efforts to catch up on delayed infrastructure rehabilitation projects in addition to having to give increased attention to aging municipal buildings.

There is no denying that the coming years will demand creativity and forward thinking, as the survival of our city depends on it. Mr. Le Chatelier is ready to meet the challenges ahead and to make the decisions that will be in the best interests of the city.

Claude Ferguson, City councillor for District 2


For Mr. Ferguson, municipal politics offers a noble opportunity to put his expertise to work for the good of the community. His primary areas of focus are its finances, the environment and governance. He notes that important decisions and directions will have to be taken to preserve the vision and identity of our city, and these will have to be guided by the needs and expectations of our citizens commensurate with the money they have invested. Social, artistic, economic and political issues must all be interlinked with a view to delivering quality local services in a coherent manner, in a healthy and pleasant environment.

As is said of many professions, actuarial science can be applied everywhere, as it can provide another perspective! Mr. Ferguson wants to share his experience to change the way politics is done, now and beyond his mandate. His wish is to leave behind for citizens a safe, functional and attractive environment by enriching and enhancing the vitality of our community, our beautiful canopy, our floral spaces and our joie de vivre, while providing community services that meet our expectations. Please feel free to contact him with your comments and ideas.

Alexandrine Lamoureux-Salvas. City councillor for District 3

Alexandrine Lamoureux-Salvas was elected city councillor by the citizens of District 3 on November 7, 2021. This is her first term on City Council.

After obtaining her bachelor’s degree in Communication Sciences from the Université de Montréal, Ms. Lamoureux-Salvas began her career as a communications officer with the Ville de Montréal. This experience allowed her to become familiar with the inner workings of the municipal apparatus and to understand how a city the size of Montreal is run. She then returned to school to complete a master’s degree in Management at HEC Montréal, where she was recruited by Bell Canada to join the project management office of Bell Business Markets. As a project manager, Ms. Lamoureux-Salvas worked on the accounts of major clients in the public, parapublic and private sectors.

In addition to her university studies, she has pursued continuing professional development training and certification programs. Most notably, she is a certified Project Management Professional (PMP®) and a certified Professional Agile Leader and Scrum Master.

She is also involved in her community and enjoys volunteering her time for various activities and causes.

As a member of City Council, Ms. Lamoureux-Salvas pledges to be present, attentive and available.

Julie Bourgoin, City councillor for district 4

514 245-6405

Julie Bourgoin has lived in Saint-Lambert with her family since 2006. She is embarking on her second term as councillor for District 4. During her first mandate, from 2017 to 2021, she chaired a number of committees, including the Traffic Management Committee, the Family and Seniors Policy Follow-up Committee and the Bicycle and Active Transportation Committee. She served as pro-mayor from March to November 2019 and sat on the Finance Committee from November 2017 to January 2019. At the regional level, she was the City’s representative at the Carrefour action municipal et famille and sat on the board of directors of the Réseau de transport de Longueuil.

In her professional life, Ms. Bourgoin has occupied federal government positions, notably at the Privy Council Office in Ottawa. She was a principal advisor with the World Trade Centre Montréal and a representative for NPOs at the Board of Trade of Metropolitan Montreal. Since 2019, she has served as the University Program Manager at the Quartier de l’innovation de Montréal.

Originally from New Brunswick, Ms. Bourgoin is committed to advocating for civic engagement, the environment, seniors and families, street and park improvement projects, the need to find economic solutions to balance the city’s budget and road safety. Prior to being elected, her community involvement included serving as a member of École Préville’s governing board and of the Saint-Lambert Recreation and Community Life Committee.

A staunch proponent of community consultation, Ms. Bourgoin brings experience, understanding and communication skills to the role of councillor. She is committed to working collaboratively and respectfully with the other members of Council and to continue improving the quality of life in Saint-Lambert.

Loïc Blancquaert, City councillor for district 5

438 922-1502

Loïc Blancquaert obtained a master’s degree in Environmental Science and Management from the Université catholique de Louvain in Belgium and a master’s degree in Public Administration from the École nationale d’administration publique (ÉNAP). He has worked in the field of management and sustainable development for more than 10 years. He first held positions with international organizations before turning to consulting and is currently working as a sustainable business development specialist for a major company. Raised in Saint-Lambert, Mr. Blancquaert has a deep understanding of the city, its inhabitants and its various stakeholders.

First elected in 2017, Mr. Blancquaert is currently serving his second term as a municipal councillor. He has been a member of the Environment Commission of the Union des municipalités du Québec (UMQ) since 2018.

Liette Michaud, City councillor for district 6

514 914-3038

A volunteer long before she retired from a career in Quebec’s public service, Liette Michaud served as president of the South Shore University Women’s Club (SSUWC) in Saint-Lambert and is the co-founder and president of the Association des femmes diplômées des universités (AFDU) – Montérégie, a not-for-profit organization that awards scholarships to promote education for women from all backgrounds.

She has also held various executive positions on the board of directors of the Saint-Lambert Council for Seniors. In addition, Ms. Michaud enjoyed a parallel career as a professional freelance chorister with the Opéra de Montréal chorus, until 2017.

Her primary areas of concern are education, culture, the advancement of women’s rights and social justice, both here and elsewhere. As regards these issues, our city is clearly in step with the trend towards inclusive governance. Politics is a vehicle for change.

An awareness of climate change, of the importance of green spaces, of the need for cities on a human scale and of sustainable mobility exists among much of Saint-Lambert’s population, which will guide the city’s decisions.

Ms. Michaud intends to focus on the quality of life of the city’s seniors aged 65 and over, who make up 28% of the population, but she also feels that there is a need to improve safety, update our infrastructures and deliver services that will continue to attract families with children. Another issue of concern is how to ensure a balanced budget without changing our status within the agglomeration.

While the majority of Lambertan households enjoy an enviable socioeconomic living standard, a diversity of realities exists within the community. Diversity in all its forms must be addressed. The project to build a residence for people with reduced mobility or physical disabilities is worth moving forward with.

Virginie Dostie-Toupin, City councillor for district 7

579 720-1372

Virginie Dostie-Toupin has lived in Saint-Lambert for six years. Upon arriving here, this mother of four immediately signed up for several volunteer activities. She has sat on a number of Saint-Lambert committees and boards of directors as a resident representative, including the École des Saints-Anges’ education foundation (FÉPÉ), the Ville de Saint-Lambert’s Family and Seniors Policy Roundtable and its Follow-up Committee, the CDE and the Recreation and Community Life Committee.

Ms. Dostie-Toupin holds a diploma in acupuncture and a Bachelor of Arts degree. She is currently studying Public Administration at ÉNAP and occasionally works as a substitute teacher at the CSSMV. The author of an essay published in 2011, she regularly pens commentaries on current affairs and has written numerous opinion pieces that have appeared in the Huffington Post, La Presse and the Journal de Montréal. Ms. Dostie-Toupin has also worked as a research assistant and an administrative assistant, and is the founding president of an NPO.

As a councillor, she aims to serve her community with integrity, and to be available and attentive. Because she believes that the municipal level of government can take a leading role in environmental protection, Ms. Dostie-Toupin intends to make this issue a priority. She is determined that this council will manage the public’s affairs in a responsible and transparent manner. She wants to ensure quality services for all ages and is counting on the dynamism of the community to encourage local participation. Ms. Dostie-Toupin intends to work collegially with her colleagues to serve the best interests of citizens.

Stéphanie Verreault, City councillor for district 8

514 835-8776

Stéphanie Verreault puts people at the heart of her actions, which is reflected in both her personal life and her career choices. Having grown up in Saint-Lambert, she knew she wanted to settle here with her husband and two children. Passionate, resilient and recognized for her ability to listen, Ms. Verreault intends to devote herself to foundational issues, which she intends to do while continuing to balance the needs of her young family.

She decided to become involved in the community to make a difference and create change. As an occupational therapist for more than 10 years, she understands people’s needs, especially those of our seniors. She will not hesitate to take innovative approaches to ensure they can live with dignity in their living environment.

The environment has always been one of her primary concerns. As early as the age of 13, she could already be seen riding her bicycle in winter! Her often out-of-the-box ideas and her creativity will contribute to Saint-Lambert’s ability to more efficiently integrate the shift to green practices.

Ms. Verreault thrives on challenge. Her approach is simple, collaborative and solution-oriented: identify the best way to achieve collective goals, then take the steps needed to implement them and move towards the desired change.

Ms. Verreault appreciates that it is an honour and a privilege to serve her community, and she is committed to fulfilling her role with transparency, ethics and justice.

Her enthusiasm and energy will convince you to join her in helping to make your city and community a better place.

Reference documents

The functions of elected officials are strictly regulated. This section provides some information on the obligations and roles of elected representatives.

Municipal affairs must be conducted with integrity, objectivity, and impartiality. Those responsible for the administration of municipal affairs must not only act in such a manner but also demonstrate prudence and openness in order to protect and maintain public trust in the integrity, objectivity, and impartiality of municipal institutions and those responsible for their administration.

In order to ensure this, in 2014, the Ville de Saint-Lambert adopted a code of ethics and conduct to govern the conduct of the City’s elected officials and management personnel.

This by-law aims to establish the annual remuneration of elected municipal officers and the expense allowance to which they are entitled.

The Act respecting the remuneration of elected municipal officers sets out the conditions for reimbursement of elected officials for research and support expenses incurred in the performance of their duties. Each year, in accordance with section 31.5.5, a list of the reimbursements authorized by the municipality must be tabled before City Council during a public meeting.

The Act respecting the remuneration of elected municipal officers provides that “A member of the council who, as part of his duties, has incurred expenses chargeable to the municipality may, on presentation of a statement accompanied with the proper vouchers, obtain the reimbursement of the actual amount of the expenses by the municipality.” Our Mayor, Pascale Mongrain, as part of her commitment to transparency, she committed to releasing the list of expenses for which she had requested reimbursement from the City.

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