Info-snow removal (February 10 to 11) | In order to continue snow loading, localized operations will take place from February 10 at 7 p.m. to February 11 at 7 a.m. Temporary signs prohibiting parking will be installed on the streets concerned.
Info-snow removal (February 10) | In order to continue loading the snow, localized operations will take place on Monday February 10, from 7 a.m. to 7 p.m. Temporary signs prohibiting parking will be installed on the streets concerned.
The Ville de Saint-Lambert hopes to contribute to the development of a healthy living environment for everyone that will lead to an enhanced sense of belonging and allow each person to actively take part in society. From year to year, the municipal administration continues to work on its objective to gradually eliminate barriers faced by people with disabilities.
Accompanying disabled people to courses and activities
Citizens with disabilities are invited to contact the Direction de la Culture et des loisirs to find out which courses and activities are accessible in the Loisirs à la carte program.
Disabled persons requiring an attendant to take part in activities can obtain a free Companion Card:
Concrete actions
To this end, every year the City produces an action plan concerning people with disabilities. It identifies obstacles that affect the quality of life of residents with impairments and prescribes corrective measures to put in place to attenuate disabling situations.
Universal accessibility policy
With its universal accessibility policy adopted in May, 2015, the Ville de Saint-Lambert reaffirms its commitment to continuing to move forward in pursuing its goal of social and professional integration for people with disabilities. The policy builds on initiatives already taken as part of the annual action plan concerning people with disabilities and, since 2014, the creation of a roundtable on this issue.
The goal of the universal accessibility policy is to support an approach that would foster the development of a social and urban environment without obstacles. By universal accessibility, the Ville de Saint-Lambert understands a living environment that will allow all the population, including people with limited mobility, to participate fully in their community.
The universal accessibility policy will raise awareness among the various authorities and elected officials about the issues surrounding the social integration of people with disabilities and their families. The policy will also encourage citizens to be sensitive to the importance of respecting people with disabilities.
The 2015-2016 action plan lays out the concrete actions the municipality will take this year to improve the quality of life of people with disabilities living in the municipality. These will relate to municipal buildings, parks and green spaces, services for residents, public spaces, and public events. The Ville de Saint-Lambert wishes to thank the stakeholders in the community who are involved in achieving the goals set out in the action plan, which aims to create a city that offers greater accessibility to everyone.
Assessment of 2023-2025 action plan
At the request of the Office des personnes handicapées du Québec, the Ville de Saint-Lambert has assessed the results of its last plan regarding people with disabilities. This assessment is available for consultation, and was, in fact, submitted to this government authority as prescribed in the Act to secure handicapped persons in the exercise of their rights with a view to achieving social, school and workplace integration.
Directory of organizations offering adapted activities (Zone Loisir Montérégie)
Zone Loisir Montérégie (ZLM) is a regional non-profit organization responsible for promoting leisure activities for people with disabilities (hearing, intellectual, motor, ASD, visual) or mental health problems.
Created in 2014, the roundtable for persons with disabilities is made up of representatives from community organizations that offer support to disabled people, municipal officials, and one elected official. Its mission is to contribute, through the recommendations it will make, to improving the quality of life, accessibility of services, and integration of people with disabilities into municipal life and different activities.
Its first mandate was to update the 2014-2015 action plan concerning people with disabilities in Saint-Lambert. Next, the members of the roundtable will meet once a year to see oversee the implementation, follow-up, and evaluation of the action plan.
Do you own special-needs housing?
For many people living with disabilities, it is hard to find housing adapted to their special needs because little information exists about accessible housing in the Montérégie region. If you own any such housing (single-family dwellings or apartments), please contact the Association d'information en logements et immeubles adaptés (AILIA) at 450-646-4343 or, to register it on their list.
Once a year, the organization will contact you to find out whether your special-needs housing will be vacant in the next year. This information will in turn help them steer people with disabilities in the right direction, and perhaps help you find a new tenant or buyer for your property.
As part of its action plan regarding people with disabilities, the Ville de Saint-Lambert provides this online form you can use to inform the city of any obstacles that hinder universal accessibility and the social integration of these individuals. With better information in hand, we will be able to prioritize our actions accordingly.
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