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Green waste / Sector 2

Green waste collections take place 13 times a year per sector. In 2024, the dates for SECTOR 2 are the following:

  • April 11 and 25
  • May 9 and 23
  • June 20
  • July 18
  • August 15
  • September 12
  • October 10 and 24
  • November 7 and 21
  • December 5

Green waste consists mainly of grass clippings, dead leaves, branches, plant and flower waste, etc.

We remind you that it is forbidden to use plastic bags for the green waste collections.

To know which containers are accepted or for any other information about the green waste collection, you are invited to consult the Green waste page.

Was your bin forgotten?

Collectors can pick up waste materials between 7 a.m. and 8:30 p.m. If they still have not come after this time, please leave your items at the curb and notify the Environment Management division at Thank you for your collaboration!

  • Associated categories :
  • Sector 2

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